Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Get a Letter From Santa!

Do you remember how exciting it used to be to get something...anything in the mail? Now imagine if that something was a personal letter from Santa Claus...that mentions everything on your own wish list and what you have done to deserve them.

When a child, anticipating the most magical time of the year, poetically writes her heartfelt letter to Santa Claus there is no doubt in her mind that her letter will be delivered. You might be surprised, however, to learn she's most likely correct. You see, even if the envelope bares nothing more than Santa's name inscribed in crayon but with the utmost sincerity, like thousands do every year that letter will most likely make it to Santa Claus.... But what if Santa could respond to her with a personal letter of his own? Well now he can!

Knowing how much this one simple family tradition means to so many already we have brought this unforgettable holiday treasure to your home via the power of the internet. Using our simple and fun online Santa Letter Designer you can easily personalize your letters in minutes. Then, based on the date you wish Santa to mail this special letter, these truly magical letters, are postmarked with Santa's huge postmark and mailed straight to your child's mailbox.

This page sponsored by Costume Rack a costume for all reasons or no reason at all

The Countdown has begun! Follow Norad Tracks Santa

Follow the journey as NORAD tracks Santa again this year!
Ahhh, the magic of the year, the wonderful time of Christmas. 

Following one legendary man as he brings joy, happiness, and the spirit of Christmas with all nine of his magnificent reindeer. (Shout out to Rudolph for making his heat signatures possible)

Merry Christmas everyone
This page sponsored by Costume Rack a costume for all reasons or no reason at all

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Official Santa Tracker

Official Santa Tracker
This page sponsored by Costume Rack a costume for all reasons or no reason at all

Party Ideas for December

December Calendar

Mood: Somber anticipation, restrained joy that grows each day until Christmas

There's more than enough reasons to keep your party hat in good shape this month. You just can't go wrong with National Cover Anything in Chocolate and National Cookie Day both in the same month. 

On a more serious note, its also Write to a Friend Month, in case there is someone in your life who has not followed your every move on Facebook

Let's have a Sing-a-Long with Lyrics, so you don't have to mumble your way through!

It's your own fault if you failed to drop the right hints for your Christmas present, but fear not your day is coming : December 26th National Whiner's Day


This page sponsored by Costume Rack a costume for all reasons or no reason at all